Founder's Message

Chhaganlal Nathwani

From The Desk of Founder

Late Shree Chhaganlal Hansraj Nathwani

In his early days he had to struggle a lot, and with his experience, and sight he had given the entire responsibility on a school going child, who now is the chairman of the group Shri Rameshchandra Nathwani.

Sir Rameshchandra had successfully fulfilled all the responsibilities assigned to him. With the passage of time, and desire to grow, he made a routine tenure to forecast, plan and then to execute the same.

This continuos and sturdy progress had given rise to various companies. At a pre-planned, intervals - viz.

  • Nathwani and Brothers (The founder Co.)   : Trust is must...
  • Nathwani Trading Co.                                               : Spices : You name it and you get it...
  • P. R. Enterprise                                                              : House of experts...
  • P. R. Cleaning Corporation                                     : A unit for your relief...

Here, group has a direct supply to various spices hubs of the country...,
At the same time also holds a remarkable impact over retail market.
Supplying to most of the exporters of the country, group has deep rooted importers also.

Group has established very deep rooted relations, generated out of trust and expertise. All this had significantly illustrated what one can mean by healthy competition.